below is a bulletin that Ron posted on the Poetry
of Today.com bulletin board back around thanksgiving...anyways,i thought you might want to check this one out...
Thanksgiving! (every day) Posted on November 29, 2002 at 02:29:43 AM by Anonymous
Am I thankful this day? How can
it be otherwise? I've been redeemed from the darkness and translated into The Light of God's Dear Son! Am I thankful this
day? You bet!...in the knowledge that my little brother, my dad, most recently my mother, and others dear to my heart, are
in the presence of the Holy One of Creation! Is my "attitude of gratitude" showing this day? I pray that it is, and will be
a permanent fixture in my life all my days! Two short years ago a severe form of cancer was suspected to have invaded my wife's
left kidney. The mass was the size of a softball. It was discovered "accidentally" the doctor reported, and all tests and
biopsies were coming back inconclusive. When we spoke to the "2nd opinion doctor" I felt surely we had met the devil incarnate
with such a scary prognosis. But weeks before, The Lord had spoken to my wife's heart strongly that all would be well. My
heart told me similar glad tidings, though this male analytical mind was at war in battles I'd never known before. That cold
November day two years ago in my back yard working, crying, and praying, changed me forever. "Lord, no matter what" I said..."I
will love and serve You!" Soft whisperous impressions invaded my being and spoke these words: "She is more My daughter than
she is your wife....give her to Me." And I did....with all my heart! This 6 week period of "inconclusiveness," (not knowing
if the cancer was spreading throughout her body) I must say in the natural, did not suddenly become an easy thing to deal
with. Ups and downs was more like it. Not in my wife's case though, as her smile never once departed! A line from a poem I
had written six weeks prior to the discovery of her condition kept circulating through my mind and gave me no rest...that
is, until I grasped it and made it personal. This is what the line said: Speak to the shadows; true forms you will see. I
did that daily, challenging this evil to reveal itself as silly as it sounds. I would place my hand on her back and speak
to it as if were an evil entity! And as God is my witness, it happened in a vision (3 times) while in prayer one morning.
I saw that evil and also a white barrier of light inside the perimeter of my wife's kidney, and I saw it begin to
die from the roots....the entry point...all in the form of a moving black and white X-ray. I did not understand what all I
had witnessed. I was shaken! Kept it to myself till the next morning when I broke down and told my wife what had happened.
Without hesitation, she told me the meaning of the vision .that it had not spread and that she had known this all along. This
is a strange story, but should not be considered unusual as God is an extraordinary God you know. Today, my wife is cancer
free, though minus a kidney and spleen. Why did God not heal her instantly? Now that's another story! The doctors were instruments
and "putty" in His Hands! Many people in my wife's sphere of influence (very large company) have been profoundly affected
by her confidence in God and positive demeanor during this time. A weekly Bible study group was formed. I stand amazed. But
we should not be, for Our God is an Awesome God! Am I thankful this day...and every day....you bet! Thank You Father! Rejoice
in The Lord always; and again I will say, REJOICE!....Philippians 4:4
here`s some pictures of Ron
and Debbie...i have more recent photos of these two soldiers...but....check out those clothes...lol...i don`t know...i just
think they looked cool...
Ron and Deb on their wedding day (8-20-76)
ron and deb at six flags...(easter of `77)
Ron and Deb today...(1-29-03)