hey there friends...this page is a little about me...maybe to much about me...i HOPE not...anyways...my
name is sean shannon collier...a son of GOD adopted by the BLOOD OF THE SON OF GOD,JESUS CHRIST...i am blessed
to have family who are also believers in the GRACE of GOD through HIS GREAT SACRIFICE,JESUS CHRIST...our BELOVED MASTER...my
darling wife kim(my better side) of 15 years,has been a blessing in my life...we have two kiddoes...maegon(mae
mae) who is 14 years old...she`s my first born so she`s seen it all,been with us almost from the start......and zachary(zachman)who
is 8 years old...my last but not least...i am 35 years old and live in arkansas...blah,blah,blah...
Ballad Of Zachmandoo
behold a ballad by my darling son zachary being but eight years old he knows so much for
such a little one he knows so much and speaks so bold... zachary caleb collier HE
walked across water to save HIS SON i`m one of HIS loved ones HE walked across the ocean HE walked across the sea HE
walked down a waterfall just for me HE searched in my soul HE didn`t let go HE holded on... HE holded on...
he sings this ballad quite well i might add..
a few memoirs from Poetry of Today Bulletin Board
...a friend suggested i put some here...
it all started with a chicken... Posted on December 1, 2002 at 11:44:32 AM by sean shannon collier
when my daughter was `bout three years old,(she`s 14 now),she had the innocence of youth...when i would tell her the marvellous
works of GOD,her REAL FATHER...i could see the STARS in her eyes and total belief in the TRUTH...one day we hadda `ol hen
that something killed...me and kim were building a fire outside(it`s how we cooked our food) and looked over and saw the hen
flopping around with it`s neck wrung...never did find out how it happened...it was less than 20 feet away...anyways,mae had
a fit...her heart was comepletely broken for she too witnessed the death throws of the hen...it broke my heart to see her
heart so broken...she looked at me with those STARS in her eyes,and said straight out..."i`m gonna pray to GOD to bring her
back"...i stood there devestated...(i had told her anything she believed,asking from GOD...she would have)what could i say
brothers and sisters???...i told her if she believed it,it would happen...she looked at me and said she believed,and i could
tell she did...so i told her it would happen.........the next day at work my heart was troubled so bad about what to tell
mae when i got home i couldn`t hardly think...i knew she`d ask me immediately why GOD had not fullfilled her prayer request......i
came driving up to the shack that day with a little blonde headed girl running to meet me...ecstatic,to say the least...i
had to yell out the window for her to get outta the way...then i saw her...that `ol white momma hen...i will never forget
the feeling of the SPIRIT that moved through my bones right then...that hen had only a few tendrils holding her head on the
day before...i had thrown her in the pond to sink so the dogs couldn`t dig her up and eat `er...brothers and sisters...it
was her......i will never be the same...my little girl taught me something about GOD that day...changed me forever...this
ain`t no ripley`s believe it or not...this is a sean`s believe it...
(no subject) Posted on October
29, 2002 at 01:08:04 AM by sean shannon collier
hello everyone...just saying goodnight and stuff...i
live in a trailer and it is pouring down rain right now...the raindrops are singing a random melody on my roof...perfect conditions
for writing,drawing,or sleeping...i think i`ll sleep... LORD will you wake me in the morning... wipe the sleep from
my eyes... LORD let me spend tomorrow walking with THE MOST GLORIOUS,MOST HOLY,MOST HIGH... ...night friends...
thank YOU JESUS... Posted
on November 8, 2002 at 08:27:39 AM by sean shannon collier
hey there dear friends...i awoke today feeling down...have a crick in my neck...the coffee pot
seemed extra slow...like to never found zachary`s math book...went outside and discovered i had a flat...but as i was changing
my tire i started seeing the blessings in my life...my kiddoes hollered i LOVE you as they were running out to meet the bus...the
pansies i planted around the mailbox seemed to have doubled in size and were blooming profusely...the birds seemed to be trying
to drown out all sounds except for their melodious songs...the trees they filled were in their firey fall colors...squirrels
were running around eating the corn my farmer friend brought me...then to top it off my wife kim stuck her head out the door
and asked if i wanted another coffee...i don`t know how to explain this but i cried my eyes out...oh friends,HE LOVES us so
much...our LIVES are the WORK of PERFECT HANDS...i`ve gotta go to work now and today i`m gonna count my BLESSINGS...may you
all see the LOVE involved in creating this your PERFECT day...
a poem for the world...
my LORD,my GOD,my
PERFECT KING YOU are the CREATOR OF OUR SOULS our destinies are YOUR handywork... let us not kill those who kill...
let us not hate those who hate... let us not cause to suffer those who cause to suffer... let us not trust in
our ability to destroy the people YOU created... let us TRUST in YOUR MIGHT to deliver us from the hand of our enemies...
let us wield YOUR TWO EDGED SWORD with faith in YOUR abilities... let us study MEEKNESS and walk as a display of YOUR
HUMILITY... let us believe in YOUR GRACE enough to tell the world of YOUR SACRIFICE... oh LORD GOD in heaven our
PERFECT ALMIGHTY KING let us not forget our reflection in YOUR MIRROR...
A Rhyming Verse...
zechariah 8:12
from the greatest book ever written i
discovered a rhyming verse of times when sin was smitten redemption filling the earth... "for the seed shall be prosperous the vine shall give her fruit and the ground shall give her increase and
the heavens shall give their dew" ...even so come quickly LORD JESUS!!!
mouse art...done with Microsoft Paint...powered
by GOD...
artist...sean shannon collier
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LIFE... |
Sean Collier |
i looked around myself that day just to see what
i could see i saw so many different things that couldn`t possibly be i saw people dying and babies crying no
one seems to care i saw riches beyond my wildest dreams no one wants to share i searched the horizon for love
and peace i saw so much hate and war i saw families in need of shelter knocking upon closed doors i saw some
children in the desert dying slowly from starvation i saw countries who could feed them deny the situation i
saw some geese up in the sky their wings were heavy with flight searching for a place to rest nothing was in their
sight i looked upon some children being raised in our nations schools forbidden to hear GOD`S wisdom hearing
only the wisdom of fools i saw machines to tear down forests and machines to taint the water i saw machines to
kill unborn children children are such a bother i saw smog that hid the bluest skies and there was acid in the
rain that day i began to realize my world had gone insane... then i reached down and touched a blossum in
the form of my toddling child and looking at her little face i saw the innocence in her smile i knew as i looked
at her little hands she could reach out and touch a star for with the power of her innocence how could it be too
far again i looked at the world around me and my heart grew suddenly sour because i knew this place,this world
i know desired my baby`s power as if a great and terrible machine was trudging across the land devouring all
that`s in it`s path and tainting the souls of man spreading chaos as it goes steadily gaining velocity looking
for those precious souls creating terrible attrocities then i heard a little bird calling out my name it said
i was a cog in this great machine i too must share the blame then i couldn`t stand the fallen man that i had came
to be and i wondered if my little girl would be someone like me i cried out to our FATHER i begged HIM to
hear my pleas "LORD don`t let this happen" "let it all just be a dream" then as i gazed upon a SONset beyond
a distant hill i realized all this wickedness was against our FATHERS will HE is the GOD of MERCY the GOD
of TRUTH and of LOVE MASTER of the universe CREATOR of the heavens above HE gave to us HIS only SON WHO died
on the cross for our sins and if we`ll just believe THIS HE`LL come get us in the end i fell to my knees and thanked
HIM from the bottom of my heart for accepting me as forgiven for giving me a perfect start then i held my
little baby and i brushed her little hair and i told her not to worry "JESUS will take us there" then at our
world i looked again and i cried within myself for the BOOKS that hold our solutions lie closed on dusty shelves...
..........PEACE.......... |
hey friends...i got my com. about four months ago(end of july `02)...i hadn`t
ever messed with one before then...i seen right off the bat that the computer was my ticket for the release i so needed...a
fire you might say,to spread HIS WORD...imediately, i really liked microsoft paint...no mess,neverending eraser,magnification,...it`ll
even make a straight line for ya`...i hope someone out there can use these drawings to spread the WORD somehow...or my poems...or
anything else that`cha need that i can give...to the GLORY of OUR MOST HIGH...that is my intentions with JESUS stuff...looking
for WAYS to praise......peace
the kiddoes and i.... |
back in `95 |