to more stuff...4
...this page features poems written
by the great but not late,..."John Ronald Morris"
...what can i say about him???
he is my friend...a fellow soldier for CHRIST...he is a Texan with
alot of stuff to say...
important stuff...
stuff about JESUS...
anyways,here`s just a sampling of his work...
p.s. if `ya wanna` send mr. Morris a message just
click his e-mail address...
Listen, Know, Speak |
John Morris |
Listen for the voice of the Shephard
so true; hear heavenly words spoken directly to you. Listen for your name being whispered aloud; hear it from
the heart in the midst of the crowd. Know you are loved in a most perfect way; perceive that His favor envelops you
today. Know there's a future that shall end with a smile; understand He is with you in every single mile. Speak
to the mountains "Be cast into the sea." Speak to the shadows; true forms you will see. Speak to the darkness and
the Light shall appear. Speak to the storm and Peace shall calm the fear! |
mr. and mrs. John Morris...
Puppies In Heaven? |
John Morris |
"Is my dog in heaven" asks a little
girl, needing a yes more than anything in the world! Such great loss she'd never known before. The beginning of
sorrows; there will be more. Fumbling for soothing words to ease her pain. Caught by surprise and wishing to refrain.
"I believe he is." My answer sounded confident. Inside, my words were much more hesitant. Suddenly, an inspiration
flooded my mind, knowing God's compassion for this child of mine! He's promised to give us pure desires of our hearts.
Surely, puppies in heaven could play a part! Whatever the reality; in heaven there's no tears. The Great Puppymaker
will dispel all her fears. |
Snowflakes Through The Veil |
John Morris |
of The Divine drifting through the veil, parted by compassion; beyond lies a trail. Blessed trail of God, cascading Your
love... there in the distance; A Cross and a Dove! Snowflakes thru the veil, without end or start so softly melting
upon cheeks of the heart. Pieces of You Lord; adrift on the wind. You touched my hand as one would a friend. Tears
of the soul meeting tears from my eyes in the place of parting; where the Dove crys. The sounds of this silence is
ever so loud. Your voice become knowing within this cloud. Breathing the purity of Heaven's sweet snow... Snowflakes
thru the veil; so warm and not cold. Your Presence so fills this vessel of desire! These moments of forever cover
earth's mire. So fresh is the snow upon my life's trail! How Great is Our Father, who parts the veil!
Silent Seed, Mighty Oak |
John Morris |
the praise of the mighty oak limbs lifted toward the sky in adoration to bestow great honor to God on High!
of the air find lodging among branches made for them Generations happily sing the sparrow's song of joy to Him!
A welcome cover and shade is the oak from noon day sun Children's treehouse dreams are made in this mighty
fortress of fun!
Oh, the mystery of the acorn lying dorment on the ground; future expressions to adorn a
welcome earth in ways profound!
Inside these seeds of silence the laughter of children awaits The journey
of the oak begins sprouting forth in blessings great! |
need to laugh?
take a break
and check out this...
Man of Contention
(the letter not mailed)
Oh man of pretension, why play your game?
Are you so blind with actions so profane?
Sundays, you're an angel, to others like you.
The six days between defines what is true!
Religious and prideful, we've seen it all before;
a modern day Pharisee,LIGHT must change your core!
Humility and love,not just words, but rather fruit.
Springing from a changed heart, transforming the root!
Oh man of contention, you seek to dampen one's day,
driven by earthly ambition and monetary gain.
Kindness eludes you. ..to give, you must possess.
Inner darkness and vanity will give you no rest!
You make my job harder; others point and say
"If that's a Christian person, I don't need it! No way!"
If any light remains, humble yourself this very day.
Open eyes of understanding; it's time to obey!
Oh man of possibility, please soften your heart!
See what you can be; its really very smart!
Experience HIS ambition and you'll know HIS peace!
He's patient with forgiveness calming the savage beast!
Come meet The Lord and be born of His Spirit!
John Ronald Morris early 2000
the above poem can also be
found at the C.A.N.(CHRISTian Assets Network)
website...they have a bunch of interesting stuff there...
assorted topics,all pertaining to CHRIST...
go have a look...
blueshadows: course we're vain at
times...human, but that is the beauty of God's grace...accepting the imperfect, that He may perfect the accepted
"The Stalker" |
John Morris |
is He that stalks the perimeters of human understanding... a walled city that is my mind? He paces the outer boundaries
of this man's common soul, seeking entrance to what is mine. I, His prey am hunted. I, His obsession am haunted.
Haunted by His sub voice; like the cooing of a morning dove falling on ears of deafness. Somehow, one senses
a sweet noise. Whispering through my barred gates He uses tenderness as His weapon and love as a melting tool...
pressing, pressing evermore; desiring a close encounter. At what cost to become a fool? My heart leaps within
me! WHO ARE YOU? |
hey ya`ll...here`s a link to a new church...
they have a really nice website...
lotsa new ideas...
strongly into youth ministry...
have their own band...!!!
mr. Morris and their pastor have attended the
same church before...
anyway`s...go check out...
tina: Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that everyone had the Love God had when HE sent HIS only begotton
SON to die on my Cross, bore MY sins, and shed HIS precious blood for me, that one day I may see Him face to face.............And
isn't it great that We had such a great Savior who has that forgiving Spirit, my prayer is that everyone someday will have
that same spirit
tina: And wouldn't it be great to just have the faith to throw our sins, our cares,and
our pains in THAT pool of blood AND LEAVE THEM THERE...we are so prone to go back and pick them up to carry again
....but we cannot do anything on our own we have to have HIM carry them for us............AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEN!!!!!!

The Metal Rose (Angie's Song) |
John Morris |
So hard and yet tender
such beauty mixed with pain In the ways of the world this rose sought a name.
Come close to this flower
and you will meet the thorn Still, this rose is worthy of deep love to adorn!
One day lamb and lion will
lie down together a heart once so heavy now light as a feather.
Heavenly Fire and Rain will soften it's
pedals A grand fragrance awaits this rose made of metal!
Lord, speak to this flower from Your garden of
grace Mend her broken petals make new the tattered lace!
One more for Your bouquet one more to call Your
own one more to decorate the beauty of Your Throne!
Lord, help this rose to know that she belongs to you
may her beauty only grow as You soften what is true!
How sweet and how awesome... Your Beauty within her
seeing this rose blossom so fragrant and tender.
Your Fire Lord, and Your Rain will soften her petals!
A grand fragrance awaits this rose made of metal! |
ever since i`ve known John Morris,he`s talked about the inspirations
he`s felt,from the explorations of the music of the late "Keith Green"...today he sent me some lyrics to some of Keith`s
songs...a little glimpse of the soul of a blessed soldier gone home...check these out...
mr. Morris and i have a mutual friend named shelly(a.k.a.Yanjinz Chang)
she lives in china...she has touched our hearts with her gifts repeatedly...
she attends church in a house privately...and she never speaks of the hardships of CHRISTian worship
in asia...she is 20 years old...has known the LORD for only 2 years,yet she is strong in her faith,knowledgable of HIS will,and
steadfast in her pursuit of spreading the GOOD NEWS.......click below to see....
Sons of Encouragement |
John Morris |
How easy
in the natural to be a son of thunder calling fire down from heaven while splitting hairs asunder
tragic in the world when our life is void of grace compassion never sprouting into fruit for all to taste
blessed in the Spirit are the Sons of Encouragement seeing needs instead of faults spreading hope, not discouragement
How beautiful are the children who leave healing in their wakes having received the revelation of God's
Amazing Grace! |
tareenkhan786 (10/16/2002
9:57:36AM): may GOD
bless you.
World Of Ice |
John Morris |
Wouldn't it be nice if this world of ice
was melted away one day? Rivers would flow to valleys below giving drink along the way! And wouldn't it
be great to discover the fate God's planned for our winters of pain? To open our eyes and look to the
skies lifting hands to the Heavenly Rain! Birds would sing forth from the sides of the North the warmth
of His love made plain. The fragrance of flowers is finally ours! May His Sun forever remain! Life would
return and all would learn it was He who brought forth THE SON! Wouldn't it be nice if this world of ice
was melted away one day?
The Cost of Abortion?
one human life...
click to see the answers of...
Remembering back to the wastelands of youth...
vanity searching for some form of truth
Phases and stages, the circle never complete
no yearning for stillness-only the world's beat
An identity was hidden...I followed my peers
Thinking alike, we never faced our fears
Still on occasion, we would contemplate
the meaning of life and ends of our fate
Pressed into molds of false idols and illusion...
more of the same added to the confusion
Yet at times, a tenderness sought out our hearts;
emptiness cried out for a fresh new start
Real tears I've cried thinking back to that child
realizing his preciousness and beauty all the while
Real Love broke through with mercy in tow
This child's identity Lord, now I know.
J. Ronald Morris
The Dove And The Tornado |
John Morris |
Many are the dreams of the night not all without
significance... most forgotten by morning light a few, seemingly making since.
Nightly images inside our heads
some valued more than others At times I've had my spirit fed like a child soothed by it's mother...
night during a restless slumber I experienced such a puzzling wonder; A White Dove in the midst of a tornado hovering
motionless as violent winds did blow!
Debris was circling with such great might I shielded my eyes from this strange
sight This beautiful Creature with compassionate eyes It's stare penetrating the situation which belies!
fear fades away as long as eyes meet... So strangely awash in a peace so complete It was then my mind made the connection;
the immovable calmness of God's protection!
Sometimes a dream can be a welcome friend. New perspective and
blessing it can lend. Peace in the storm! Logic it defies! Hope for the inner man rooted in the skies!
this animation`s for the gatorman... |

he`s always cooking something up... |
Imprisoned Treasures |
John Morris |
the Father's great pleasure with our help if you will... to free Imprisoned Treasures that will bless and will
Who holds the reins of self? Is it He or is it I? We can know when we delve into Truth with anguished
The ways of man subtract from the beauty of His plans. The ways of God enact through the Blood of
the Lamb!
Refreshing winds can blow when a mind is renewed. A holy confidence we'll know when with Power
we're endued!
Precious Treasures we shall find if only we'd seek the Higher. At His table we shall dine once
we're freed from the mire!
like cool thoughts about GOD?...
so do i...read this story if your in
the mood for...
a refreshing thought...
Shadows Of Pursuit |
John Morris |
the speed limit?" little Junior so inquires. Shifting to third gear old Dad screeches his tires. "Son, don't
worry about it, we're running a little late," reminding little Junior that school begins at eight. "Tell them
I'm not here Mom whispers in hushed tones. Little Junior does as told, then he hangs up the phone. "I sure
miss Sunday school; think today we could go?" "Not today" Dad replies for the third week in a row. "We've
made other plans; God wants us to have fun!" Sadly, Junior turns away. His walk turns to a run. Crying upon
his bed, Junior recalls some Bible words; "Let the children come unto me." Hadn't Mom and Dad heard? Through
many tears, Junior vows not to be mean to his kids. He'd take them to Sunday school; at teacher's feet they'd
sit! As so often happens Through passages of time old vows are forgotten; out of sight, out of mind. Fading
Sunday memories swallowed up by busy life, no longer very important as Junior's heart closed so tight. He
soon became a man and even had a son. And just like his father he taught him Church is no fun! "I sure miss
Sunday school, think today I could go?" "Not today" old Junior says for the third week in a row!
hey ya`ll....mr. Morris sent me this
link today...i was amazed that i
had not been to it before,cause it`s a
nice site about CHRISTian poetry...
even a weekly contest...but they
have more there than poetry...
lottsa cool things like humor
and stuff...click the link...
Edges Of Rescue |
John Morris |
How dark is the darkness that strips life
bare? How deep is this well? Measure if I dare. How strong is the web woven around me? And where is the spider
that runs so free?
How high is up where God's mercy resides? How true is Truth that battles these lies? How
great is The Love that bled for us? And how powerful is the Name of Jesus?
From this pit I cry and in this web
I'll die, unless the Lord of Glory rewrites my life's story. His Light and His Grace must rescue in this place, this
life He gave to me...Oh Jesus set me free! |
The Blind Man And The Rainbow |
John Morris |
Sitting upon the sands of time, an old blind man poses a gaze. Sea breezes fill his wrinkled lines, capturing the sound of many waves. Whispering of places far and near,
the surf sings it's sweet melody. Blessed music to the old man's ears;
if only those dead eyes could see! A distant storm eches it's sign,
intruding thunder touching the shore. On a rainbow the sighted will
dine; the blind man hears only a roar! In feeble attempts to
explain a rainbow's beauty to the blind,
words of men seem empty and vain...
justice not rendered;there is no rhyme!
In a dark world void of sight, a partial knowing rules the day.
Unless one's heart receives Light, it's the
darkness that holds sway. In the Spirit there are rainbows,
beckoning to us to be seen, with new colors
we might know... only new eyes fulfill this dream! Perhaps the cry of the blind should be "Lord, give me new eyes to see!"
Whispering Thunder |
John Morris |
across the wastlands signals the refreshing that mends Flashes of promise arise... awakening the still winds
kiss of the breeze arrives caressing the edges of self Enveloped in this freshness the awe of change is felt
cannot fear the thunder Blessed Rain is close at hand The Healing Waters of Heaven cleanses the soul of common
Search for the silver linings in the barrenness of drought Listen for approaching thunder... faint
whispers destroy doubt
Hope echos across the heartlands to the rhythm of God's grace Living Waters from On
High we are soon to taste! |
The Coincidence Maker |
John Morris |
you not known The Coincidence Maker? Most often ignored... He invites all takers!
Working all things for
good to those who believe, The Lord of happenstance seeks children to receive!
Looking to the east He
may approach from the west passing in silence with shadows that bless!
Mysteries in motion; to the world
only chance. For the Children of Light... let the angels dance! |
Heartcare |
John Morris |
my heart tread lightly it's fragile like a rose Invisible proof of God's love shadow images to man disclosed
kind to your heart and it will guide you well Guard it with dilligence issues of life it will tell
feed your heart those things which edify storing blessing for others when their own runs dry
Seek to share
your heart there's power in your words able to change a life in the invisible things heard |
thanks kitten |

It is God to whom and with
whom we travel, and while He
is the End of our journey,
He is also at every stopping
place. Elisabeth Elliot
...what a wonderful soldier i found
the singer / artist / fellow soldier,
"DARRELL EVANS" to be...
absolutely wonderful...
click here for the song that made me
an immediate "DARRELL EVANS"listener...
one of mr. Morris` favorites
Tears Of An Eagle (9-11 Tribute) |
John Morris |
Tears of an Eagle upon bloody ground. A face
once so regal now wearing a frown. In staure still proud, though wings show tatter. Freedom cries aloud "My
Children matter!" Oh Eagle arise and shake off the dust. Shout to the skies "in God we trust!" Symbol
of liberty such glory God gave; the land of the free and home of the brave! Such relentless compassion in
times of distress; an undying passion to guard freedom's nest. Mount up and take flight with purpose and strength!
Probe Heaven's heights; it's width and it's length! Though wounded still strong, ordained as a light to
sing freedom's song; righteous in God's sight! Oh Eagle fly far. Oh Eagle stand near. The darkness can't mar
your countenance dear! |
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs
Face Of A Child |
John Morris |
To gaze into the eyes of a young child untainted
by the weariness of man's guile Eyes of sincerity, frozen in time... a smile that entrances; gentle and kind!
at mom's skirt in a quizzical way questions of innocence can brighten one's day Hearing "Mom, I love you" melts hearts
of clay one last smile, then it's outside to play!
Revere these times, frame them in the heart to be retreived
one day for you were a part Hold tight to love shadows shining oh so bright! Picture them often though no longer in
The Father must feel the same way about you searching His child's heart for a love so true Give Him
a kiss and hug each precious day One last smile, then it's outside to play!
click the pic to see full size...
ron took this picture of a sunrise... |

the morning he wrote "Day Star Moments" |
Daystar Moments (II Peter 1:19) |
John Morris |
A Divinely appointed
time and place realized in a Daystar Moment... that event you were destined to embrace; oh, the quiet awe of
the heaven sent!
Distances bridged from God's heart to yours in a great awakening so planned. Colors and whispers
never so pure as this time when fires of joy are fanned!
Arise my heart! Stand tall, stand strong! Immerse
yourself in splendid wonder! Join the chorus of eternity's song; feel the echoes of God's silent thunder!
be captured, by seeking to capture that which forever remains your own. In a moment, the Daystar enraptures; drawing
one nearer to God's heavenly throne! |
i was surfing the net and found this...
Night Of The Chimes |
John Morris |
While inside a dream one night A Holy Wind
gave life to the chimes and the sound was the sound of praise in a song of unity and rhyme
And faces were
upon the chimes unlike any I had ever seen for their great joy beamed forth light and the light grew and filled
my dream
"Lamb of God! You alone are worthy of all majesty and praise!" reverberated through my being as
I strained to see through this haze
In an instant these eyes beheld a most glorious and awesome sight; seated
upon a brilliant throne was My Lord and we locked eyes
Weeping tears of fear and joy I collapsed upon the
floor knowing this moment would one day come; being face to face with My Lord
"My Lord! My God! My All!" So
many times I'd spoken these words but never with such passion and then, another Voice I heard
"My sweet child,
do you love Me?" Oh Lord, You know I do! "My beloved, do you love Me?" Jesus, You know my love is true!
third time He asked "do you love Me?" and again I said "Lord,I do!" He then spoke "arise to you feet for My Heart
you did pursue."
Folded arms before My King eyes closed for just a while... looking into The Face of God I
saw His gentle smile
We embraced and I was cradled with my head upon His breast I thought of the last supper
when St. John received his rest
"Lord, I can't hear Your heartbeat" I said with eyes still moist "My child,
listen to your own and you'll hear the rhythm of My Voice"
I again heard the sound of praise as My Lord began
to move away "No Lord, please don't leave me!" He said, "Fear not, I'm with you always"
While inside a dream
one night A Holy Wind gave life to the chimes and I joined their chorus of praise in a song of unity and rhyme!

Prayer Wishes |
John Morris |
Lord, bind the serpent and release the Dove.
Baptize this child in Your Sweet Love. Write me a song of Grace Divine. Give me a heart in which to
rhyme. Teach me new songs of joy and peace. Sing me a lullaby that will never cease. Whisper sweet somethings
all the day long. In Your perfect will is where I belong. Rock me to sleep in dark of night. Give
me sweet dreams till first morning light. Chastise me gently when I go astray. Show me Your heart; this
I pray! |
click the link below to see the above poem
on a poem page from the Brantford Reformed
CHRISTian Church....along with stuff from
many other CHRISTian soldiers...
some helpful words,from my helpful friend
..."good sleep is JESUS stuff too"...
The Power Of Two |
John Morris |
Two lighthouses on the shore standing
tall side by side intertwined with a purpose two beacons you can't hide!
Sending forth their Precious Light
to the many lost at sea not illuminating each other... neutralizing beams you see!
Each must set aside
if but for a short time the brightness of the Glory and the pride that oh so blinds!
Twice the power there
can be in the rhythm of focused Light Each equal to the other in tandem they shine bright!
Now in sync
for the purpose to one another they give Light The Glory only grows as they pass in the night! |

Of Lace And Grace (Giftings) |
John Morris |
Sweet Daughters
of Encouragement come in many precious forms; wives, mothers, sisters and friends- so many lives they adorn
their Father's heart in selfless, loving ways is a thankless task at times but their heart they must obey
underpinnings of grace often receives not broad acclaim It's a mother's touch you know that heals the children's
Special words in due season are like banners of love unfurled Sweet Daughters of Encouragement change
destinies in the world
You are that inspiration spoken of in these few lines When expressing your special
gifts you cause other lives to rhyme! |
the above poem can also be found
on a really cool site from Brantford,Ontario...
below is the page they put it on...
just click it...
hey ya`ll....if ya` dig JESUS metal
the way i do,then you wanna` click
the "metal for JESUS" link below...they
gotta lotta new and classic JESUS rock...
Toys In The Attic |
John Morris |
Toys in the attic all covered in
dust asleep in a world of cobwebs and rust
Once so pristine, so shiny, so new now faded memories unless
freshly viewed
Thoughts can awaken these friends from the past Yawning and stretching there's new life
at last
Waiting in the shadows for sounds at the door... a return to normal as things were before
upon the knob preparing to turn Renewed thoughts can erase old desires that burn! |
The Awakening |
John Morris |
Did you hear the shuffle of hearts atop a
shelf moving closer to the edge from the shadows of stealth?
And did you feel a shift of the old prevailing
winds? In breathing in the freshness did it cause you to grin?
Did you smell the fragrance of the Presence
of Our Lord... permeating His beloved with His oil of gladness poured?
Did you see a silhoette of the
angels roundabout... standing tall in quiet awe though desiring to sing and shout?
And did it change your
heart reaching to your very core... awakening a Mighty Fountain that was placed there by Our Lord?
Fear Factor |
John Morris |
As a child I would
fear the darkness without warning off monsters with a clap and a shout!
These days are different there's
darkness within those dark and dank rooms God labels as sin.
We ignore and play games saying "all is well"
unwilling to confront these shadows from hell.
Lives wrapped in packages so cozy and neat Pretty paper,
pretty ribbons hiding our real needs.
Many fears locked inside and each with a name seeking only to hide
without shame, without blame...
A fear of losing control of the world that surrounds; a loss of identity
that was never found.
Those fears of growing old- the pain and the dread but most of all there's the
fear of death!
Fear is the opposite of faith it is said Let go and let God calm your fear and dread!
Lord holds the keys to unlock the dark rooms The simple trust of a child can open the tombs!
the folks from the Hope Reformed
Christian Church has put the above
poem on their encouragement page...
...click below to check it out
i got this in my e-mail from
my friend terri...click this
to see something i...
Certain Man |
John Morris |
There once
was a Certain Man who lived in a certain town chained to a certain weight driven by an inner frown...
value and self worth were things that could be earned by pleasing an earthly father in whom the same frown was
He never received the approval a child so craves and needs still defending dear old dad while planting
those same seeds
Throughout life the man did go not realizing he was fated to become the very thing as
a child he so much hated
No person could measure up in the eyes of certain man for the words "I'm proud of
you" his father buried in the sand
"You're special and I love you" unsaid words birthing fears still tormenting
Certain Man after all these many years
Curses are only broken by Truth that sets us free I forgive you
earthly dad for things not done for me
Heavenly Father You've taught me I am worthy of Your love not for
things I've done for I could never do enough
I take You at Your Word You proved it through Your Son I'm
valued more than I know as if I'm the only one
Mercy and grace I'll extend helping others see Your Light that
Healing Wings from heaven may descend upon their life.
the above poem is also on the
page link below...it`s from those
Canadian soldiers up there in
Brantford,Ontario...they gotta lotta
great pages...
First Love |
John Morris |
I betray
my Lord not with a kiss but rather the creeping apathy of a cold heart like dying embers in night's long march or
the actor who forgets his part
I've left my First Love's tender embrace fading memories of what "once was" Passion
departs as a bird on the wing and the form of the bird is a dove
Blessed assurance is now abated stolen away
by unseen fingers Taken for granted as all seemed well the fire's warmth no longer lingers
There's a long
silence after the sigh a realization of what's been lost While there is breath still there is hope to return to
the foot of the Cross
Prodigal hearts mired in earthly cares seek rescue in the Father's embrace Our First
Love beckons us homeward... with whole heart we must seek His face! |
my friend Kuhn Dog sent me the
"sloppy noodle" link below...
man what a site!...lotsa cool stuff!...
check it out...
Make Me A Child |
John Morris |
return to me the innocence of youth, where laughter and wonder did abound! In that place we could run with joy; a
smile was more common than a frown. We would count the stars of summers' night and could almost hear them sing! Crayolas
were fun! Paper and glue a need; to make Mom's heart smile with glee! Lord, restore the awe of a puppy dog, so
furry and so sweet to hold. This little life we could make our own; a reflection of the lambs of Your fold! Bring
back memories of shoeless days, cool spring grass caressing our toes. A four leaf clover was a treasure to find, and
oh yes, my treehouse hid me from foes! I ran to Dad when boogie man was near. Scraping a knee meant Mom dried my tears.
and when I laid me down to sleep, I gave my soul for You to keep! Lord, be my High Tower; my treehouse, You know.
In simplicity of heart, teach me Your ways. And I will endeavor to be Your child... through Your Grace, till the
end of my days.
Darkest Of Dreams |
John Morris |
Over the edge and into the dark; without hope, missing
the mark! No sound of laughter, the music is dead. Just thoughts of forever filling your head! Tumbling into the
abyss; a magnet draws. Deafening silence; it's ungodliness appalls! Nevermore to see the beauty of earth's day; only
confused expressions of pain and dismay! Who can tell others I'm in this place? The walls of this prison compress
my space! If only I'd listened when opportunities arose. Swallowed by evil; naked with no clothes! Anguished moanings
of the others, beside. A living fear possesses me inside. Looking for light in vain attempts to escape. The beginning
of forever; my soul suffers rape!Cry out to The Lord and let your heart scream from inside this most darkest of dreams!
Morning People |
John Morris |
Why is it that
for some getting out of bed seems dumb with long face so very glum spirits acting like a bum?
Yet, others
can hardly wait leap from bed, seek out fate On your nerves they may grate but boy can they motivate!
first love on the inside emotions they can't hide Perhaps there is a reason you will know in due season.
you may wanna choke smiley faces you wanna poke rising early to greet the day be kind to them. OK?
the morning skies just like a Church steeple have mercy on these guys cause we're only Morning People!
my friend Terri sent me this...
click to know
Higher Levels |
John Morris |
Desire to soar on eagles wings; from On High
the view is clear. Much joy Heaven's heights can bring; alone in The Wind there's no fear!
Creation marvels
from down below at such a regal display in the sky. perhaps wishing they too could go to higher levels where perspectives
Lord, make me alone in Your Wind; Your higher places call my name. Teach me to soar, to comprehend the
wonder of these heights I've gained!
To press on, to rise even higher; to touch the Bright Morning Star! To
experience Your Heavenly Fire; to draw young eagles from afar!
And when I've reached the highest level that's
when we'll be face to face. In Your Sweet Presence I will revel! I'll not need wings in this place!
A Love So True |
John Morris |
To be changed
by the touch of a Love so true; all else pales when a heart's made new! Earthly pain seems less, the problems more
dim. Peace shall arise when we focus on Him! Mercy upon mercy cries a world in need. He cares for all, even the
sparrows He feeds! Arise to your feet and shout forth the news "The Lord of Creation needs you for His use!" Try
as you may to walk earth alone, do as you will and you'll sigh with a groan "is this all there is? I'm empty inside!"
In dark of night, from Truth you can't hide. Open your eyes and soften your heart. For once realize you're not
all that smart! The Wisdom of the ages comes from above; mixed with Great Mercy, sprinkled with Love! Sing your
New Song of compassion and joy. It's God's great pleasure for you to enjoy! The Sun of Righteousness is shining on
you, so bask in the Glory of a Love So True! | |
Isaiah 44 21 Remember
these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant: O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten
of me. 22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and,
as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee. 23 Sing,
O ye heavens; for the LORD hath done it: shout, ye lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest,
and every tree therein: for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel.
Empty Hands |
John Morris |
Only these empty hands Lord I can bring to You No
treasures and no works there's nothing I can do Lifting in sweet surrender these hands you gave to me in praise
of the love You've given so tenderly
I bring a swollen heart Lord full of broken tears trusting in Your
words to take away my fears You hold it in your hands with a Father's tender grasp cradled by the Grace that
wipes away the past
CHORUS: My Lord, My God, My All lovingkindness and forgiveness surround You Lord of
true intimacies I long to touch, to experience, to know You Lord, reign in me
I lay my earthly dreams Lord
upon Your sacred alter wanting to do Your will help me when I falter You are my righteousness Lord I can
claim no other By Jesus' sacrifice in white robe I am covered |
The Bubble |
John Morris |
Inside the bubble of God's care rainbow
shadows dance with glee A smoothness Paints the edges of these feelings within me.
There's an arch above my
head perhaps the Shadow of His Wings Seeds of trust have taken root sprouting forth in Heavenly Things!
horizons of earthly pain eyes closed in utter awe His bountiful mercies shall remain wrapped in His Grace so raw!
To feel His Touch is to be changed into an image far but near These tribulations will matter little as
Perfect Love casts out all fear! |
hey ya`ll...check out
something Ron has to
say about...
Only By Your Spirit (fruit)
What is the cause when one weeps Oh Lord,
for a stranger in the car beside?
To pray your blessing on their life be poured;
can it be your Gracious Love which abides?
From where comes the joy that fills each day
with expectations of sweet surrender
except that you send your joy my way
to share with others the Great Heart Mender.
And what is this Peace that I now possess,
even in the midst of a raging storm?
except Your Grace in which I rest
lifting burdens so I'm no longer torn!
How can it be I can await patiently
those things that before caused such worry?
Except You've set free Your Spirit in me
to arrest the lips that say "hurry!" What
is this gentleness that turns away wrath
with soft answers and meekness combined?
Except Your Covering upon my life cast;
the offspring of Your Nature shall be kind!
From where does the faithfulness and self control
that I now experience come from?
Only from Your Spirit that so fills my soul
as more like Jesuseach day we become!
Galatians 5:22-23
J. Ronald Morris 2002

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