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... Alayna has her new book out called "JOY in the Morn"...a very nice addition to the ever increasing world wide praise of the LORD...her book signing is this month... as i write this is Sunday, november 14th, 2004...making this page somewhere around a coupla` years i kinda` hate to change it memories and stuff ya` this link and i`ll tell you more about her new book there okay?...


welcome! friends...more stuff 3 is just that...more stuff...
the poems on this page were written by Alayna Cann...i  know Alayna from communication over the internet...she`s my friend...and she`s an on fire believer in our LORD JESUS CHRIST,as well as a devoted wife and mother...thanks for being you Alayna...
p.s. .....if ya wanna give Alayna a yell,...just drop by her site and leave her a message...

Butterfly Wings and A Prayer

Alayna Cann

On Butterfly Wings and a Prayer,
I'm going to meet Jesus in the air;

Flying skyward like a beautiful dove,
His arms outstretched, full of Love;

Welcome home my little one,
Enter on in, your race is won!

A lady recently being baptized was asked by a co-worker what it was like to
be a Christian. She replied, 'It's like being a pumpkin. 'God picks you from
the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off you .. Then he cuts the top, scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate and greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the
world to see.
my daughter Maegon gave me this...
said she got it from her friend,
Brandy C.


Silence is Evidence

Alayna Cann
Silence is a witness,
to such turmoil in sight,
Evidence of God's love,
Bearing forth such steadfast light.

Silence is His true justice,
Evidence of the tamed tongue,
Silence is never bickering,
Evidence of great peaceful song.

Silence is edification,
Evidence of his reward,
Silence is His witness,
Evidence of the Glory He has emplored.

My silence is evidence of God's Love...

Bound Before Birth

Alayna Cann

Thy Grace is sufficient,
Thy Mercy is present,
Thy Love is patient,
Thy Joy is pleasant...

Thy Word is as a Lantern,
In the winds of life,
Flickering ever-so-gently,
Soothing all strife...

Non-wavering is the flame,
Burning within my whole being,
Searing my heart and soul forever,
Imprinting your name,
Which no man can sever...

Bonded together before my birth,
Bound in Heaven,
With no fetters to this earth...


Do You Know How Much I Love You?

Alayna Cann

Do you know how much I love you?
Do you care for me to tell you?
Will you give me your attention?
Will you take the time to fast and pray?

Just lend me your ear for the moment,
Just say yes and wait.

You will never be disappointed,
You will never see me as late.

I will give you comfort when you need it,
I will give you great joy to proceed it.

Here am I Lord,
I would love to hear you say,
Here am I God,
I would take pleasure in all of the day.

Heed my supplication,
Heed my inquisition.

Listen with great patience,
Listen with great Wisdom.

Diligently seek my face,
Diligently seek my vision and decree;

My Gift to you,
An Eternal Wonder,
My Reward to you,
To be free.

Do you know how much I love you....

i met alayna at poetry of today is part of a bulletin she posted on poetry of today bulletin board...
.....For it is by "GRACE" we are saved...II Cor 12:9
simply states, ...My grace is sufficient for thee...and Eph 2:5 plainly states, grace ye are saved... As my pastor always reminds his people, "man will charge you millions, but God doesn't charge you a dime!" Salvation is free, but it is up to you, where you want to spend your life eternal? So, I shall end with saying, "choose you this day"....Joshua 24:15 states...choose you this day whom you will

Heaven's Call

Alayna Cann

My joy escapes,

My soul expounds,

Ready for Heavens call,

Lord, when will you beckon?

I tend to get so weary,

The test of time can cause me to fall,

Just one more day Lord,

Will I stay for you,

To do your work,

Till Heavens call.

When my time does come due,

My soul is ready,

It is waiting so intensely,

To dwell with you.

To feel such freedom,

To feel such joy,

It will be everlasting freedom,

It will be eternal joy.

To stand in your presence,

To look upon your face,

To view the beauty of your essence,

The see the real wonders of your grace.

Heavens call has now come,

It could not have come sooner,

My final test is done,

My final joy could be no truer!

Remains of The Day

Alayna Cann

Standing so tall and true,
Those two twin towers,
A great beacon that the world so well new,
In their final hours,
The hustle and bustle of a New York morn' began...
A mother arrives early to make coffee, to begin her day,
A father rushes to that Tuesday morning meeting,
A daughter heads to her office on the 110th floor,
And a son arrives just in time, for his conference call from his boss.
All said the daily ritual, I love you, and goodbye to their loved ones, not knowing what their day was to become...
Each one had intentions so well,
and only God knew their hearts.
Whether they sensed it or not,
their final hour was closing in.
A mighty explosion was in their midst,
not just in the physical,
but also in the spirit of their souls...
Ascending to judgment,
standing before the Lord,
it is said either,
"Well done, or depart from me"...
Each soul rejoices in their reward,
or cries out in agony,
for all of Eternity...
Just in time for Eternal rest,
or not enough time to make ammends.
Who shall we remember them as today?
A faithful warrior of our Savior's cross,
or a hard headed, rebellious individual...
There is not turning back the fate of that day,
though it seemed like time stood still, during that very moment.
Don't boast about your tomorrow,
for you may not have one...
Today, is your day, for that new beginning.
Don't put it off for the morrow,
for it may never come,
Live each day, like it is your last one.
Rejoice in him,
as he holds the future in His Hands.
If you died tonight,
where would your Eternal home be?
How do you want to be remembered...

The Joy of the Lord is
my Strength! Neh. 8:10

Breath of Heaven

Alayna Cann

A Breath of Heaven,
Sent from the Father above,
A Gift that was given,
For all to Love...

Bestowed upon the world to Heal,
All sickness and strife,
Amended in our Hearts to feel,
His Everlasting, Eternal Life...

To give us just a glimpse,
Of His Sacrifice for thee,
To give us just a glimpse,
Of Our Life thereafter to be...

A Breath of Heaven,
Dispersed upon the Wings of a Dove,
Such Sacrifice that was given,
Through His Father's most Undying, Eternal Love...

click here to read...

for Shelly...

John 3:16...China

click here to see something
 i want to say about...

In His Holy Hands

Alayna Cann

In the palm of God's hands,
My heart and soul does lie,
Of such great love and compassion,
He does give when my heart does cry...

Healing and soothing,
His breath I do feel,
Tis such glorious annointing,
Tis almost surreal...

His touch so gentle and divine,
Soft as a Dove's feather,
Completely enveloped through all time,
Sealed in His Kingdom forever,
I shall dwell in His Holy Hands.


click here for an inspirational web movie of hypothetical interview with download...really cool...thanks debron


God's Love Divine

Alayna Cann

Never ceasing,
Until the end of time;
Gods Love is Perfect and True,
Without spot or blemish,
Gods Love will never say Adieu;
Gods Love is unchanging,
It is not superficial, but exchanging;
Gods Love is not shallow,
But runs quite deep,
Nor is it hollow,
But stands quite steep;
Gods Love is patient,
And always so kind,
With it always pleasing,
You can find;
God's Love is no secret,
You dont have to hide it,
If you openly accept it,
In your Heart,
There will be no regret;
Gods Love so Divine,
'Tis never Temporal,
'Tis always Eternal,
Oh so Divine,
Until the end of Time,
Gods Love so Divine.


Beauty At Death

Alayna Cann

There is beauty at death,
In the unseen eternal light,
Well done take thy rest,
Spread thy wings, take flight;

Fear not my little child,
Thine race is won,
You've trod thine last mile,
Thine reward has just begun;

There is beauty at death,
Come and dwell with me,
I invite you to take thine rest,
In absence from thine body,
Thine soul shall be free;

The most unseen beauty shall be at

John 11
40   Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
lotsa things are caught on camera
check out these pics of...

A doctor was visiting a patient who is blind, as well as having many more health problems.    He sat with her awhile; then wrote out    prescriptions for her medicines.    Putting away his pen and closing his little black bag, he bid her a cheery farewell, and rose to go.

Just as he reached the door, his patient called out to him, Doctor, she said, I think youve dropped your handkerchief.

The doctor turned, and sure enough, there was his handkerchief on the carpet.    Thank you, he said, and proceeded out the door.    Then it struck him.    Shes blind!    How could she possibly know I had dropped my hankie?    He turned back to her, amazed.    He knew she couldnt have fooled him into thinking she was blind when she wasnt.    He had been her doctor for many years, and he KNEW she was blind.    Martha, he said, how did you know I had dropped my hankie?

Martha smiled.    I heard it fall, she replied.

The doctor pondered this for awhile, but then the truth struck him: She has lost one sense, and another one becomes more keen.    Martha cant see, but her hearing has become so sensitive that she can hear the softest of sounds, even a handkerchief falling on a carpet.

........When we lose something, whether it is hope, health, or even a loved one, there is always something, some compensation, that makes it easier to bear.    Isnt God wonderful!

i found this joke at
click here for their homepage
