...thank you much Rebecca...ROCK

I use to think I knew it all, that i would be able to find my way. But it got harder as the time passed on, struggling
through day by day.
I fought the world, thinking, "who understands?" confused even more than before. My friends and family, they've never
been there. They did nothing but add to my sores. Then something happened that forced me to think,it happened one night in
my past. My friend Sheryl started to talk to me, told me that i've been moving too fast. "slow down" she said "for God has
a plan, but you won't see it with your eyes closed. Keep an open mind with what ever comes your way and i promise, he'll take
care of your lows." This left me feeling confused and scared. I had so many questions bout life. She explained that what I
was feelin was real and eventually everything would be right. I went home with the convo still fresh in my mind, wonderin
why i even bothered to care. Then, something Sheryl said flew into my thoughts, "bow your head and ask for answers !through
prayer." When I returned home, I fell to my knees, trembling at the side of my bed. I asked God what it was i was feeling
inside and to explain these thoughts in my head. I asked God what was the purpose for our talk and why was I feelin so alone?
It was then that I felt my Lord gently touch my heart and whisper, "my child, come home". I felt like the leper cured of his
scars, like the blind man able to see. "Why was I trying to make it alone when all this time he's been standing with me. Finally,
many of my questions were answered, It suddenly all became clear. I've accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I've been
born again and delivered from fear. May God bless all who read this, for it is by the word of our testimony that we overcome!

a friend and brother known by many as the
"Macreme Poet", sent this testimony of how he was found by CHRIST...a man who today works with juvenilles, armed
with the experience of having been there, and an ever present voice of praise for our BELOVED...
let IT shine Billy...
...ROCK on!

I believe in God because nothing else makes any sense.
Believe me, I didn't want to believe. I tried with all my
might to not believe, to be a full fledged atheist. And there
were plenty of folk willing to help me in that pursuit.
Paramount among them was my high school biology teacher, Mr. Petzel. Real name. I don't have enough
imagination to make that one up. Mr. Petzel was a
dedicated Darwinist who spent much time explaining to me
the 'big bang' theory, and I liked it. Loved the concept of a universe that 'just happened'. So I tried to embrace
the idea that the universe sprang forth from the explosion of some incredibly compacted lump of space matter and altogether
would have, if I just hadn't had to ask that question..."Mr. Petzel....where did the lump come from?" With the whole
of modern science before him...as modern as possible, in 1967....he could find no answer. What a heart break! I was so
close to KNOWING that there was, indeed, no God, and that I could spend my t! eenage years partying down with absolutely
no fear of judgment, free from accountability, and this good for nothing science teacher couldn't even tell me where
the origin of everything came from. So, nothing else made sense. There has to be a Creator.
But I didn't give up
hope. I was sure that the truth lay somewhere in human experience, in human knowledge, possibly, still, although it had
let me down once, in science itself. Science continued to tell me that everything had been formed by some grand accident,
and that all things were self generating. But at the same time it was saying that we were running out of resources,
and out of clean water, out of this, out of that, even out of ozone and oxygen. We're RUNNING OUT of self-generating things.
That makes no sense. Logic dictates that there must have only been a finite amount of 'things', and once they're gone,
they're gone forever. That thought demands that they must have been created. There must be a God. Nothing else makes
any sense.
Science taught me about evolution, explaining that some single-celled seagoing thingie with an unknown
origin had gradually, over millions of years, chosen to become multi-celled, and grow scales and fins, and learn to
swim, then grow legs, and climb out onto the land, and grow fur, and change two feet into arms, and learn to walk upright,
and become man, and that man, as was everything, was constantly in some phase of adaptation and evolution, becoming
better equipped to face the future. But no one ever found the missing link, and no one could ever quite bridge that
genetic gap between chimps and man, and no one could ever find conclusive examples of creatures in progressive stages
of evolution. Man seemed to be growing continually weaker, not stronger, and a new incurable disease came along every
year. Moreover, morals declined. There were suddenly drug dealers on every corner,and a crack house in every neighborhood.
Human lives were being sacrificed for name brand shoes. ! Divorce became the norm. Drunkeness became the social standard.
Man was getting weaker and worse!Evolution therefore, simply can't be a logical truth. There must be a God. Nothing
else makes any sense.
I was addicted to pornography, and filled with anger. I drank, I commited adultery, I lived
with a woman outside of marriage, I impregnated a woman before marriage. I denied and cursed God. I stole and cheated
and lied and assaulted. I couldn't sleep through a night for over 2 years because I knew how evil I was, and I could
not stand to see my reflection in a mirror because I hated me. Today I am free. I share life with a wonderful Christian
lady in the bonds of holy matrimony. I am delivered from porno, and haven't touched a drop of liquor in more years than
I can remember.I am filled with peace, and strive to honor God with words.I give, where I once stole, and practise
honesty, where I once cheated and lied, and heal, where I once injured. I can lay me down in peace and sleep, and
the image in the mirror is that of one who was once very lost, but now is found. Jesus is real!. Nothing else makes any