Standing in a valley, Alone, and with no friends, I struggle
with the question, Will this heartache ever end? It seems that it has been so long, Since I've heard a caring voice. Then
suddenly from the shadows I hear "Make ME your choice" At first I want to run away, I'm not worthy of His Love Then
I hear my Savior say, "Child, you were Never Alone, I was with you in the darkness, I heard the
taunts and jeers I stood with open hands, Waiting to wipe away your tears. I was with you in the moments You
felt you could not go on, I waited for you to ask me To make you feel strong Oftentimes in your pain, In your
darkest midnight hour I waited for you to come to Me So I could show My awesome power. But you faced
it all alone, Now you're ready to give in, Child, cast all your care on Me I'll give you peace within" Then I
fell upon my face And before Him I cried. I had thought no one could see That I was dying inside. I realized
that the One I knelt before Was not just any man but The awesome Lord. And as I surrendered to Him Every hurt
and every fear, The agony I had felt so long Just seemed to disappear. An awesome light flooded the darkness That
had plagued me all my life And I knew with such joy He had ended all my strife. Now I know it's not always easy
But now according to his plan Nothing is too hard to conquer... When He is holding my hand. I know that I am
. .. .. .. ... Never Alone!
