Break my heart it begins to seize giving up this
ache to you the longing for your rain and reign wears into thin streams of stretched light Broken is best for
eyes to see
cloud dancing in your brilliance swaying to the heavenly piece and peace Visits sustain this treading
tempo lets play hopskotch across the universe again or ring toss on Saturn?
I love it when you press in close
to me you are as small as my breath; yet grande in the creation of that Oh Master Maestro of every living thing! ... let
your scores shatter the shards of everything dark and dreary. Your love swirls gently about the earth, igniting the children
of light
The scroll of your will, unfurls daily, on through the ages Everything in it you sustain with ease Birth
in me the prose of your living, moving Word. While we squirm in our metamorphosis You remain steady in your care.
finished the story of your impossible love for us before it began. You spoke the atom in Adam.